Asociace muzeí a galerií ČR - Dění v oboru

Connected Audience Conference 2019

4.–6. dubna 2019

The Role of Emotions in Museums and Cultural Experiences
The dominant motivation for humans is “meaning-making” and as such it is important for museums and other cultural organisations to combine emotions with learning. Over 30 speakers, facilitators and workshop leaders will present the best of current research and applied practices on this topic that is attracting a global audience. The conference brings together researchers, museum and cultural professionals from all disciplines (education, marketing, curatorial, visitor services), programme developers and exhibition designers from 36 countries for an exchange of ideas and an in-depth exploration of how we can apply that knowledge to improve the museum/cultural experience in general.

Download the programme here

You will meet: John Falk (Institute for Learning Innovation, US), Maria Gendron (Yale University, US), Paul Spies (Stadtmuseum Berlin, DE), Sheila Watson (Leicester University, UK), Martin Tröndle (Zeppelin University, DE), Miriam Wenzel (Jewish Museum Frankfurt, DE) and many other highly engaged and enthusiastic experts.

We consider all participants as experts in their field and everyone will have the opportunity to both contribute and learn!

To register for the conference please visit our website!

Conference Venue: Kulturforum Berlin, Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin (near Potsdamer Platz)

Our partners this year are the Institute for Learning Innovation and the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz.
We also cooperate with the Museum for Communication BerlinNEMO(Network of European Museum Organisations) and the European Theatre Convention.




Náměty posílejte nejpozději do 27. listopadu 2023

Termín pro podání žádostí je do 31. března 2023

1.–3. listopad 2022 v Multifunkční kulturní centrum v Hlinsku

4. listopadu 2021 v Muzeu jižního Plzeňska v Blovicích, p. o.


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