Theme blocks

Muzeum a změna VI / The Museum and Change VI conference will be divided into five theme blocks:

1. Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Roles of Museums
What is the place of cultural and natural heritage in our present? How much emphasis do we place on their preservation? Is the indispensable role of museums changing? Are changes in society affecting the ethics of museum work? What demands are new generations of visitors placing on museums and their offerings?

2. Tools and Prerequisites for Development 
What are the strategies and visions of the museum sector? Why are professional and ethical standards important? Helping to develop the field of registration, accreditation or benchmarking? Do we need a law on museums as institutions? Is it appropriate to change or supplement the current system of museum education?

3. From the Perspective of Science and Research
Museums as part of science, research and innovation. Scientific and research activities as an important component of professional activities of museums. Institutional support for selected topics. Documentation of cultural and natural heritage. Is collecting still the essence of museum work?

4. New Trends of Presentation and Interpretation
Are we making sufficient use of the competitive advantages of museums in the leisure market? What role does modern technology play in this? How does the connection between memory – authenticity – imagination – emotion work? Virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence. The importance of personal contact and communication. New forms of museum education.

5. Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage
What are the threats to cultural and natural heritage? How to deal with crisis situations? What should we anticipate as a precaution? What do we need to prepare for? What is the role of the states, the territorial self-governing units, founders, organisations, individuals? Natural disasters, emergencies, war conflicts.

This theme block of the conference is prepared in cooperation with the Czech Committee of the Blue Shield

