Asociace muzeí a galerií ČR - Dění v oboru
6. 4. 2018

Active Collections Conference

26th – 29th April 2018, Budapest

With strong involvement of experts from the Visegrad Group countries, the European Union has profoundly been dealing with the topic of collections mobility for two decades. Within the framework of this process, international conferences, publications and expert trainings have been conducted. The purpose of these were to define the legal and administrative obstacles for the mobility of the collections, to explore best practices and theoretical solutions in order to help European audience gain wider access to the diverse and extremely rich cultural heritage of Europe.

Within the framework of the program series of the Visegrad Group’s Hungarian presidency, the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest is organizing an international conference entitled “Active Collections” from 26 to 28 April 2018 in Budapest, which will address several of the most vital points of collection management.

The conference and workshop coordinated by  our institution focuses on topics such the legal background and the necessity of strategic planning of acquisitions, the sensitive issue of deaccessioning, enhancing the involvement of the audience with the help of digital techniques, or the organization of travelling exhibitions.

All speakers of the plenary session and the workshop leaders are internationally acclaimed experts in their fields. For the event, we are expecting professionals from governmental, museum and the academic field of the V4 countries and we are kindly inviting you to join us for the conference!

You can reach the website of the conference with all the relevant information here.

Attendance of the event is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to register until 8th April on the link below. Please note, that the workshops will be held for a limited number of participants.


You can download the program of the event here.


If you have any questions regarding the conference do not hesitate to contact Zsófia Farkas .




Náměty posílejte nejpozději do 27. listopadu 2023

Termín pro podání žádostí je do 31. března 2023

1.–3. listopad 2022 v Multifunkční kulturní centrum v Hlinsku

4. listopadu 2021 v Muzeu jižního Plzeňska v Blovicích, p. o.


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